Question -

Find the intervals in which thefunction┬аf┬аgiven by┬аf(x) = 2x3┬атИТ3x2┬атИТ 36x┬а+ 7 is

(a) strictly increasing (b) strictly decreasing

Answer -

The given function is┬аf(x)= 2x3┬атИТ 3x2┬атИТ 36x┬а+7.

┬аx┬а=тИТ 2, 3

The points┬аx┬а= тИТ2 and┬аx┬а=3 divide the real line into three disjoint intervals i.e.,

In intervalsis positive while in interval

(тИТ2, 3),┬аis negative.

Hence, the given function (f)┬аisstrictly increasing in intervals, while function (f)┬аis strictlydecreasing in interval┬а(тИТ2, 3).


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