Question -

Yamini and Fatima, two students of Class IX of a school, togethercontributed Rs 100 towards the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund to help theearthquake victims. Write a linear equation which satisfies this data. (You maytake their contributions as Rs x and Rs y.) Drawthe graph of the same.

Answer -

Let the amount that Yamini and Fatima contributed be x and y respectivelytowards the Prime Minister’s Relief fund.

Amount contributed by Yamini + Amount contributed by Fatima = 100

y =100

It can be observed that (100, 0) and (0, 100) satisfy the aboveequation. Therefore, these are the solutions of the above equation. The graphis constructed as follows.

Here, it can be seen that variable x and y arerepresenting the amount contributed by Yamini and Fatima respectively and thesequantities cannot be negative. Hence, only those values of x and y whichare lying in the 1st quadrant will be considered.


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