RD Chapter 30 Linear programming Ex 30.3 Solutions

Question - 11 : -

Onekind of cake requires 200 g of flour and 25 g of fat, and another kind of cakerequires 100g of flour and 50g of fat. Find the maximum number of cakes whichcan be made from 5 kg of flour and 1 kg of fat assuming that there is noshortage of the other ingredients used in making the cakes. 

Answer - 11 : -

Question - 12 : -

Adietician has to develop a special diet using two foods P and Q. Each packet(containing 30 g) of food P contains 12 units of calcium, 4 units of iron, 6units of cholesterol and 6 units of vitamin A. Each packet of the same quantityof food Q contains 3 units of calcium, 20 units of iron, 4 units of cholesteroland 3 units of vitamin A. The diet requires at least 240units of calcium,atleasy 460 units of iron and at most 300 units of cholesterol. How manypackets of each food should be used to minimize the amount of vitamin A in thediet? What is the minimum amount of vitamin A?

Answer - 12 : -

Question - 13 : -

Afarmer mixes two brands P and Q of cattle feed. Brand P, costing Rs. 250per bag, contains 3 units of nutritional element A, 2.5 units of element B and2 units of element C. Brand Q costing Rs. 200 per bag contains 1.5 unit ofnutritional element A, 11.25 units of element B, and 3 units of element C. Theminimum requirements of nutrients A, B and C are 18 units, 45 units and 24units respectively. Determine the number of bags of each brand which should bemixed in order to produce a mixture having a minimum cost per bag? What is theminimum cost of the mixture pre bag?

Answer - 13 : -

Question - 14 : -

Adietician wishes to mix together two kinds of food X and Y in such a way thatthe mixture contains at least 10 units of vitamin A, 12 units of vitamin B and8 units of vitamin C. The vitamin contents of one kg food is given below:


Vitamin A

Vitamin B

Vitamin C










One kgof food X costs Rs. 16and one kg of food costs Rs. 20.Find the least cost of the mixture which will produce the required diet?

Answer - 14 : -

Question - 15 : -

A fruitgrower can use two types of fertilizer in his garden, brand P and Q. Theamounts (in kg) of nitrogen, acid potash and chlorine in a bag of each brandare given in the Tests indicate that the garden needs at least 240 kg ofphosphoric acid, at least 270 kg of potash and at most 310 kg of chlorine.

Kg per bag


Brand P

Brand Q




Phosphoric acid










If thegrower wants to minimize the amount of nitrogen added to the garden, how manybags of each brand should be used? What is the minimum amount of nitrogen addedin the garden?

Answer - 15 : -

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