Question -

Draw the graph of the equations x = 3, x = 5 and 2x тАУ y тАУ 4 = 0. Also, find the area of the quadrilateral formed by the lines and the x-axis. |NCERT Exemplar]

Answer -

Given equation of lines 2x тАУ y тАУ 4 = 0, x = 3 and x = 5
Table for line 2x тАУ y тАУ 4 = 0,
Draw the points P (0, -4) and Q (2,0) and join these points and form a line PQ also draw the lines x = 3 and x = 5.
Area of quadrilateral ABCD =┬аx distance between parallel lines (AB) x (AD + BC) [since, quadrilateral ABCD is a trapezium]
=┬а┬а┬аx 2 x (6 + 2) [тИ╡ AB = OB тАУ OA = 5 тАУ 3 = 2, AD = 2 and BC = 6]
= 8 sq. units
Hence, the required area of the quadrilateral formed by the lines and the x-axis is 8 sq. units.


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