Question -

I have a total of ₹300 in coins of denomination ₹1, ₹2 and ₹5. The number of ₹2 coins is 3 times the number of ₹5 coins. The total number of coins is 160. How many coins of each denomination are with me?

Answer -

Let the number of ₹5 coins be x.
number ₹2 coins = 3x
and, number of ₹1 coins = (160 – 4x) Now,
Value of ₹5 coins = x × 5 = 5x
Value of ₹2 coins = 3x × 2 = 6x
Value of ₹1 coins = (160 – 4x) × 1 = (160 – 4x)
According to the question,
5x + 6x + (160 – 4x) = 300
⇒ 11x + 160 – 4x = 300
⇒ 7x = 140
⇒ x = 140/7
⇒ x = 20
Number of ₹5 coins = x = 20
Number of ₹2 coins = 3x = 60
Number of ₹1 coins = (160 – 4x) = 160 – 80 = 80


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