Question -

A cylindrical vessel having diameter equal to its height is full of water which is poured into two identical cylindrical vessels with diameter 42 cm and height 21 cm which are filled completely. Find the diameter of the cylindrical vessel?

Answer -


The diameter of thecylinder = the height of the cylinder

h = 2r, where h –height of the cylinder and r – radius of the cylinder

We know that,

Volume of a cylinder =πr2h

So, volume of thecylindrical vessel = πr22r = 2πr3   (as h= 2r)….. (i)


Volume of eachidentical vessel = πr2h

Diameter = 42 cm, sothe radius = 21 cm

Height = 21 cm

So, the volume of twoidentical vessels = 2 x π 212 × 21 ….. (ii)

Since the volumes onequation (i) and (ii) are equal

On equating both theequations, we have

2πr3= 2 x π212 × 21

r3 =(21)3

r = 21 cm

So, d = 42 cm

Therefore, thediameter of the cylindrical vessel is 42 cm.


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