Question -

Find the coordinates of the foci, the vertices, the length of major axis, the minor axis, the eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum of the ellipse.

4x2 + 9y2 =36

Answer -


The equation is 4x2 +9y2 = 36 or x2/9 + y2/4= 1 or x2/32 +y2/22 =1

Here, the denominator of x2/32 is greater than the denominator of y2/22.

So, the major axis is along the x-axis, while the minor axis isalong the y-axis.

On comparing the given equation with x2/a2 +y2/b2 =1, we get

a =3 and b =2.

c = √(a2 – b2)

= √(9-4)

= √5


The coordinates of the foci are (√5, 0) and (-√5, 0).

The coordinates of the vertices are (3, 0) and (-3, 0)

Length of major axis = 2a = 2 (3) = 6

Length of minor axis = 2b = 2 (2) = 4

Eccentricity, e = c/a = √5/3

Length of latus rectum = 2b2/a= (2×22)/3 = (2×4)/3 = 8/3


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