Question -

Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog?

Answer -

Toto was transferred to a big cage in the servants’ quarters where a number of grandfather’s pets lived together. However, Toto would not allow other animals to sleep at night. Therefore, grandfather, who had to leave for Saharanpur to collect his pension, decided to take it along with him. A big black canvas kit-bag with some straw at the bottom was arranged for Toto to travel in. The canvas was too strong for Toto to bite and he could not get his hands out through the opening in the bag. When Toto poked its head out of the bag at Saharanpur station, the ticket collector was taken aback. He called Toto a dog and asked grandfather to pay for its travel. Even after repeated explanations and convincing by the grandfather, the ticket collector charged him for the monkey by calling it a dog.

There is nothing in the story to tell us why the ticket collector insisted on calling Toto a dog. You could discuss the second part of the question with your teacher.


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