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1. Broke apart: (separated, break up)-The coaches of the train broke apart on its own.
2. Streaked over: (a line, mark)-A plane was seen streaking over our town.
3. Spread across: (spread everywhere)-The news about their fight spread across the entire nation.
4. Lifted off: (to direct or carry from a lower to a higher position) – The rocket lifted off from a space station in Chennai.
5. Blast off: (of a rocket or spacecraft) take off from a launching site – The rocket blasted off in the morning.
6. Went on: (to proceed) – He went on teaching us after the lunch break.
7. Cheered along: (motivated, encouraged) – The performers were cheered along by their fans.
8. On board: (inside a ship, train and aircraft)
There were 250 passengers on board in the aircraft.
9. Carry on: (to continue) – She decided to carry on with her studies.