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Following are the main psychotherapies:
•Psychodynamic Therapy
•Behaviour Therapy
•Humanistic Therapy or Existential Therapy Parameters of classification are as follows :
1.What is the cause of the problem?
(a)Psychodynamic therapy-Intrapsychic conflicts (id, ego and super ego) causes problems.
(b) Behaviour therapy-Faulty learning of behaviours and unrealistic cognition , (thinking process) cause problems.
(c) Existential therapy-Ansviev about the meaning of one’s life and existence is not available.
2. How did the cause come into existence?
(а)Psychodynamic therapy-Intrapsychic conflicts are caused due to unfulfilled desires of childhood or unresolved fears which cause fixation and repression during psycho-sexual stages of life.
(b)Behaviour therapy-Faulty conditioning patterns, faulty learning through improper rewards, faulty thinking and beliefs.
(c) Existential therapy-Current feelings of loneliness, aimless life or meaningless existence.
3. What is the chief method of treatment?
(a)Psychodynamic therapy-Free association and reporting of dream to make the person confront and resolve the conflict.
(b) Behaviour therapy-To identify faulty conditioning patterns and faulty learning
and to challenge the faulty thinking patterns.
(c)Existential therapy-Providing positive, non-judgmental and accepting therapeutic environment. Therapist acts as a facilitator helping client solve his own problems and arrive at solution through personal growth.
4. What is the nature of the therapeutic relationship?
(a)Psychodynamic therapy-Therapist understands the client and is more capable in interpreting his thoughts and feelings.
(b)Behaviour therapy-Therapist is able to identify faulty behaviour and thought patterns and is capable of finding out correct behaviour and realistic thought patterns.
(c)Existential therapy-Therapist provides warm and emphatic relationship helping the client feel secured to explore the causes of his problems himself and herself.
5. What is the chief benefit to the client?
(a)Psychodynamic therapy-Emotional insight to resolve problems.
(b)Behaviour therapy-Adaptive and healthy behaviour and thought pattern to reduce stress.
(c)Existential therapy-Personal growth by increasing understanding of one’s aspirations, emotions and motives.
6. What is the duration of treatment?
(a)Psychodynamic therapy-Classical psychoanalysis lasts for several years. New version? 10-15 sessions.
(b)Behaviour therapy-Short and completed within few months.
(c)Existential therapy-Short and completed within few months.