Chapter 3 Current Electricity Solutions

Question - 21 : - Figure shows a potentiometer circuit forcomparison of two resistances. The balance point with a standard resistor R =10.0 Ω is found to be 58.3 cm, while that with the unknown resistance x is 68.5cm. Determine the value of x. What might you do if you failed to find a balancepoint with the given cell of emfε?

Answer - 21 : - For comparison of resistances, R and x shouldbe in series and same current should flow through them.

If we fail to find balance point with cell ofe.m.f. e, in that case we should reduce the current I

and for that e.m.f.E of cell responsible for current I should reduce, or a resistor can also beattached in series with R and x to reduce current.

Question - 22 : - Figure shows a 2.0 V potentiometer used forthe determination of internal resistance of a 1.5 V cell. The balance point ofthe cell in open circuit is 76.3 cm. When a resistor of 9.5 Ω is used in theexternal circuit of the cell, the balance point shifts to 64.8 cm length of thepotentiometer wire. Determine the internal resistance of the cell.

Answer - 22 : - In the open circuit, the balance point isobtained for the emf of 1.5 V.

When the external circuit is connected, acurrent is drawn from the cell of 1.5 V in external resistance of 9.5 E1. Nowthe balance point is obtained for terminal potential

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