Question -

.Which of the following violates the principles of equality? And why?
(a) Every child in the class will read the text of the play by turn.
(b) The Government of Canada encouraged white Europeans to migrate to Canada from the end of the Second World War till 1960.
(c) There is a separate railway reservation counter for the senior citizens.
(d) Access to some forest areas is reserved for certain tribal communities.

Answer -

  1. This does not violate the principle of equality because every child is asked to perform the same activity without any discrimination.
  2. This violates the principle of equality due to discrimination on the basis of colour.
  3. It is not violating the principle of equality because senior citizens should be honoured and every individual one day can enjoy the same privileges.
  4. This violates the principle of equality because all tribal people should be treated equally, no one should be discriminated by reserving forest areas for some only.


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