Chapter 9 – Environment and Sustainable Development Solutions
Question - 11 : - Give two instances of
(a) Overuse of environmental resources
(b) Misuse of environmental resources.
Answer - 11 : -
(a) Overuse of environmental resources
1. Drying of rivers due to creation of flood storage reservoirs and irrigation activities.
2. Large scale deforestation due to the growing requirement of land is leading to soil erosion and also reducing fertility of soil.
(b) Misuse of environmental resources.
1. The discharge of domestic sewage, waste from thermal power plants and industrial wastes into rivers is causing water pollution.
2. Using wood as a source of fuel for cooking and other purposes is resulting in deforestation
Question - 12 : - State any four pressing environmental concerns of India. Correction for environmental damages involves opportunity costs. Explain.
Answer - 12 : -
The four most pressing environmental concerns of India are: Water pollution, air pollution, deforestation and soil erosion. In addition to global problems like global warming, ozone depletion, greenhouse gas reduction etc. The rapid and extensive use of both renewable and non-renewable sources has led to exploring of alternative resources which requires high investment. These alternative resources are also high on maintenance. Imbalance in environment brings about diseases which may be air or water borne, which will increase the expenses. The cost of managing diseases and finding alternative resources are the opportunity costs associated with the environment. Therefore correcting environmental damages involves opportunity costs.
Question - 13 : - Explain the supply-demand reversal of environmental resources.
Answer - 13 : -
Since the start of civilisation and till the rise of industrialisation, the rate at which natural resources were extracted were far less than their rate of regeneration. That means demand fell short of the supply of the resources. That time nature exploitation was within limits. But, coming to present day scenario, the population has seen great surge and there has also been rapid progress in industries which means the rate of extracting natural resources is higher than the rate of regeneration therefore, the demand was far more than the supply. This created ecological imbalance and brought about crisis which can be referred to as the supply demand reversal of environmental resources.
Question - 14 : - Account for the current environmental crisis.
Answer - 14 : -
Increase in population and consumption of all the natural resources has placed excessive burden on the environment. Reserves are getting exhausted but the regeneration is not on par which is causing reduction in carrying capacity of environment, resulting in ecological imbalance. The current environmental crisis includes ozone layer depletion and global warming. Global warming is the result if increase of greenhouse gases (particularly CO2) and it is increasing the temperature of earth causing melting of polar ice which is making water levels in the sea levels to increase. Also ozone layer depletion is caused due to excess use of CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbon). Increased UV radiation will cause skin cancer in individuals. Therefore these factors are most concerning of all issues currently.
Question - 15 : - Highlight any two serious adverse environmental consequences of development in India. India’s environmental problems pose a dichotomy-they are poverty induced and, at the same time, due to affluence in living standards. Is this true?
Answer - 15 : -
Development has led to the following environmental consequences in India which are: air pollution and land degradation.
Air pollution: Air pollution is a major problem in India with lots of industrial smoke, agricultural waste burning and exhaust fumes from automobiles. All these contribute to increase in the levels of harmful gases in atmosphere which is a major cause of global warming.
Land Degradation: Gradual and consistent loss of land fertility is known as degradation of land. It is usually caused by factors such as soil erosion, salinity of soil, deforestation and shifting cultivation which is practiced by farmers.
Deforestation resulted from population explosion and poverty. People in rural areas in order to earn livelihood cut down trees which resulted in deforestation and soil erosion. The widespread urbanisation also is robbing the nature of its green cover. More and more buildings are getting built which is reducing the trees and causing harm to environment. If both these factors are studied carefully we see that the environmental problems are due to the combined effect of poverty and affluent living standards.
Question - 16 : - What is sustainable development?
Answer - 16 : -
Sustainable development is referred to as the process of economic development that will meet the target of providing the basic needs of current generation without compromising on the needs of future generation. It is aimed at developing both present and future. In other words, it is achieving a quality of life without compromising quality of life for future generation.
Question - 17 : - Keeping in view your locality, describe any four strategies of sustainable development.
Answer - 17 : -
Sustainable development can be achieved using these strategies:
1. Using eco-friendly fuels like CNG and LPG will reduce the CO2 emission which will be beneficial for environment
2. India has abundance of solar and wind power which can reduce energy expenses. Using these sources will help in sustainable development.
3. Recycling of waste products also helps to sustain the environment. Waste generated from household can be used as manure. Banning use of plastic bags is a great step for reducing environmental pollution and attaining sustainable development.
4. Using of input efficient technology has resulted in higher production and productivity and lesser use of natural resources which enhances growth opportunities for India.
Question - 18 : - Explain the relevance of intergenerational equity in the definition of sustainable development.
Answer - 18 : -
Handing over of earth to its future generations in a good condition becomes an obligatory requirement. It can only achieved if resources are judiciously utilised. Over utilization will result in reducing the productive capacity of future generations. Economic development that is being generated will not remain the same for the upcoming generations as the resources will be reduced. Sustainable development aims at economic development of present while not making a compromise on the resources available for future generations. It is welfare for both present and future. It is achieved by optimum use of resources so as to save for future generations and maintain inter-generational equity.