Chapter 8 – Infrastructure Solutions

Question - 21 : - How can we increase the effectiveness of health care programmes?

Answer - 21 : -

Health is a vital public good and a basic human right. All citizens can get better health facilities if public health services are decentralised. Some measures that should be taken are:

  1.  Success in the long-term battle against diseases depends on education and efficient health infra-structure. It is, therefore, critical to create awareness on health and hygiene systems.
  2.  The role of telecom and IT sectors cannot be neglected in this process.
  3.  The effectiveness of health care programmes also rests on primary centres. Efforts should be tnade to make PHCs more efficient.
  4.  Encouragement should be given to private-public partnership. They can effectively ensure
reliability, quality and affordability of both drugs and medical care. .

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