Question -

Compare and contrast the development of India, China and Pakistan with respect to some
salient human development indicators.

Answer -

 It is clear that:

  1. China is moving ahead of India .and Pakistan. This is true for many indicators—income indicator such as GDP per capita, or proportion of population below poverty line or health indicators such as mortality rates, access to sanitation, literacy, life expectancy or malnourishment.
  2. Pakistan is ahead of India in reducing proportion of people below the poverty line and also its performance in education, sanitation and access to water is better than that of India. Both China and Pakistan are in similar position with respect to the proportion of people below the international poverty rate of $1 a day, whereas the proportion is almost two times higher for India.
  3. In China, for one lakh births, only 38 women die whereas in India it is 230 and in Pakistan it is 260.
  4. India and Pakistan are ahead of China in providing improved water sources.


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