Question -
Answer -
ch = 0
list = []
while true :
print “List Menu”
print “1. Adding”
print “2.Modify”
print “3.Delete”
print “4.Sort list”
print “5.Display list”
print “6.Exit”
ch = int (raw_input (“Enter your choice :”)) if ch = = 1 :
print “1.Add element”
print “2.Add a List”
ch1 = int (raw_input
(“Enter choice 1 or 2:”))
if chi = = 1:
item = int
(raw_input (“Enter element:”))
pos = int (raw_input
(“Enter position to add : “))
list.insert (pos, item)
elif chi = = 2 :
list2 = eval (raw_input (“Enter list:”))
list.extend (lst2)
print “Valid choices are 1 or 2”
print “Successfully added” elif ch = = 2 :
pos = int (raw_input
(“Enter position :”))
intem = int (raw_input
(“Enter new value :”))
old = list[pos]
list[.pos] = item
print old, ‘modified with vlaue”, item elif ch = = 3:
print “1.Delete element by position”
print “2.Delete element by value”
ch1 = int (raw_input (“Enter you choice 1 or 2’))
if chi = = 1:
pos = int (raw_input (“Enter position :”))
item = list.pop (pos)
print item, “deleted”
elif ch1 = = 2:
item = int (raw_input (“Enter element:”))
pos = list.remove (item)
print “Succcessfully delted”
else :
print “Valid choices are 1 or 2”
elif ch = = 4 :
print “l.Ascending”
print “2.Descending”
chi = int (raw input (“Enter choice 1 or 2”))
if chi = = 1:
list. sot () elif ch1 = = 2:
list.sort (reverse = True)
else :
print “Valid choices are 1 or 2”
elif ch = = 5:
print list elif ch = = 6:
else :
print “valid choice 1 to 6”