The Total solution for NCERT class 6-12
Obtain the volumeof rectangular boxes with the following length, breadth and heightrespectively.
(i) 5a, 3a2, 7a4
(ii) 2p, 4q, 8r
(iii) xy, 2x2y, 2xy2
(iv) a, 2b, 3c
Volume of rectangle = length x breadth x height. Toevaluate volume of rectangular boxes, multiply all the monomials.
(i) 5a x 3a2 x 7a4 = (5 × 3 × 7) (a × a2 × a4 ) = 105a7
(ii) 2p x 4q x 8r = (2× 4 × 8 ) (p × q × r ) = 64pqr
(iii) y × 2x2y × 2xy2 =(1 × 2 × 2 )( x × x2 × x × y × y × y2 ) = 4x4y4
(iv) a x 2b x 3c= (1 × 2 × 3 ) (a × b × c) = 6abc